Tuesday 13 December 2011


New character for my new job. It is the first character for a client animation.
Novo personagem para um novo job que venho trabalhando. Ela é a primeira para uma animação de um cliente.


J.J.M. Czep said...

I really like your work. I stumbled across your blog and I love the watercolor and your drawings! Awesome stuff!

Hugo said...

I love your artwork! You have a really cool style and I love the colours you use and how you use them.

I didn't come across your blog by accident, I read it as I think that you might also be interested in continuing a discussion on my blog, being interested in art yourself.

You may not be aware yet, but there is a new phenomenon sweeping parts of the web. It is very ambiguous and mysterious, but the messages that have been transmitted are very interesting and it is creating lots of excitement on the web and in certain circles of society.

It's ambiguity is where my blog comes in. It is a space where the questions and theories of this phenomenon can be discussed and scrutinised, and where those excited by this new viral campaign can try and solve the mystery of what it is, and whether it is really as relevant and interesting as it promises to be. It is still not known whether it is a political party, a philosophical idea or even a movie campaign!

Anyway I think that you would enjoy participating in the early discussions of this phenomenon.

Many thanks, and keep up the good blogging:)